Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Americans Are Not Rapists

(written today, April 21st, 2009)

Despite being a Gaikokujin (foreigner) from America, I find most others (from America) to be very immature and annoying - most, but not all. Just because some Americans are jerks does not mean all are. I hope that is understood.

For example, a girl from my University back in America keeps going around, reinforcing the idea that all American men are rapists and only want to talk to asians for sex - whether it is a girl to get in her pants, or a guy to get in his friends/girlfriends pants. It is annoying and ends up causing a lot of problems when people are trying to make friends. After talked to a few people about this, I asked her to stop in the nicest possible way (Which was basically, 'Can you please stop telling Japanese people that we are rapists? It's very troublesome), to which she responded, "If you are having issues, it is not my fault. You are just coming off as creepy."

Rather than addressing the fact that anytime she sees a Gaikokujin talking to an Asian, she tells them that he is only after sex, will go to any lengths to get it, and that they should avoid talking to him - rather than addressing this, she says that it is their own fault (because it is not just me I am complaining for) for coming off as creepy.

Now, I am a big, scary guy as it is, so her telling people I want to rape them is a bit troublesome when I am trying to introduce myself to people and make friends. But when she starts claiming that about people like Guy, who is a pretty awesome person who does not want sex with anyone (he does not have time for a relationship), she is just being a バカだよアメリカ人 (stupid american - no idea if I did that in the right order though).

Luckily, she is in a different prefecture (Aichi Prefecture, I believe), so I don't have to deal with this like I did last May (during my visit to Japan via a University class). Also, the reason I am writing this is more for my own future reference, but I thought I would share it with you.

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